In our practice, we present the fastest developing printing technologies of the world and establish an ever-fresh, unfading image. We utilize this concept, to show provide an example to show that we can print any colour on any variety of paper.
inoprintech present the fastest developing printing technologies of the world and establish an ever-fresh, unfading image. We are constantly prepared to fulfill your printing need at a very reasonable cost, producing work of the highest quality. We do any type of printing job perfectly to meet all your expectations.
Our prices are very competitive since we import printing papers in bulk enabling us to overlook sudden fluctuations in the market and complete your orders at the prices we quote you.
We possess advanced state of the art and printing equipment.
We have a trained work force that matches the technological advances that take place in the field of printing every day. We are result oriented and our products are of high quality. Our staff is currently ready to link up with you constantly through the internet, to serve you to fulfill all your requirements. Our service is totally for your fulfillment and your benefit.
inoprintech Enterprise, was initially launched with 3 workers. Today it has evolved into an institution with 75 employees. Our enterprise is Located in a four story building right at the center of the City of Kurunegala. The printing section is in the adjoining building.
This enterprise is complete with state-of-art, equipment and well trained personnel. It has now evolved into the status of the revolutionary pathfinder in the field of modern printing. We are able to perform any printing activity,. Utilizing appropriate technology, we can fulfill your printing assignment exactly on time and also can transport the finished product. We are always ready to do your printing job with an efficient network of enterprises. We built this network with tremendous commitment and dedication. We always strive to take this further afield protecting it in every way.
"To build a prestigious image in the field of printing in sri lanka. We will protect, through our work, the highest and unparalleled quality printing in the world..."
"Our committed mission is to produce printing work of the highest standard, utilizing the most advanced technology and employing an efficiently trained staff..."
inoprintech No. 343, Colombo Road, Kurunegala. Sri Lanka.
+94 37 2226 165 +94 37 4940 146 +94 37 4943 191
Fax. +94 37 2222 750